What is DPN Coin?

DPN Coin is a ground breaking exploration into the future of decentralized services powered by the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN). At the forefront of this revolution stands DPN Coin, a cutting-edge cryptocurrency token designed to serve as the cornerstone of a truly decentralized ecosystem. With a focus on privacy, security, and accessibility, DPN Coin leverages DePIN's robust infrastructure to deliver innovative solutions, including decentralized cloud storage, that redefine the way we interact with data in the digital age.


What is DePIN

Decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePINs) are blockchain protocols that build, maintain, and operate physical hardware infrastructure in an open and decentralized manner.

Advantages of Decentralized Cloud Storage

Decentralized cloud storage excels over centralized systems in privacy, security, decentralization, and cost-effectiveness. Utilizing encryption and distributed nodes, it ensures privacy. Blockchain technology enhances security and integrity, while decentralization boosts availability and fault tolerance. Cost-effective models make decentralized storage accessible to various users.


Role of DPN Coin in DePIN

DPN Coin plays a vital role in decentralized cloud storage, enabling secure transactions and network operations. As a DePIN token, it utilizes the DePIN network for decentralized data storage. Users engage in the ecosystem, offering resources for rewards. DPN Coin empowers users to manage data securely and participate in decentralized storage using blockchain technology.

Technical Specifications
DPN Coin is built on a blockchain-based infrastructure, utilizing distributed ledger technology to record and verify transactions securely across a network of nodes.

Consensus Mechanism
Proof of Work (PoW) is utilized to secure the network and prevent malicious activities To achieve consensus and validate transactions on the DPN Coin network.

Security Features
Advanced cryptographic techniques and robust authentication mechanisms and access controls ensure are employed within the DPN Coin ecosystem.

Scalability Solutions
Scalability solutions such as Sharding and layer 2 scaling solutions are implemented to the DPN Coin network while maintaining decentralization and security.

Use Cases of DPN Coin

• Decentralized Cloud Storage
• Play-to-Earn Games
• Secure Data Transfer
• Decentralized Applications (DApps)
• Identity Management
• IoT Integration


DPN Token Economics

The token DPN is issued by the DPN Foundation and can be used on the DPN network to pay remuneration and transfer fees. DPN is the fuel that supports the operation of the data service platform. The total amount of DPN is 400 million and will never be issued.

Token Name: DPN     Total Supply: 400 million

Milestones and Timelines

DPN Coin's roadmap is guided by a series of milestones and timelines, marking significant achievements and progress towards our overarching goals. Here's an overview of our anticipated milestones and their corresponding timelines:

Short-terms Milestones

Launch DPN Coin and listed on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges.
DPN Coin payments for online purchases.

Q3 2024 - Q1 2025

Mid-term Milestones

Founding a DAO to facilitate community governance and decision-making.
Regular smart contract audits of the DPN Coin ecosystem.
Expand DPN Coin's global community .

2025 - Q4 2025

Long-term Milestones

Continue to expanding DPN Coin's ecosystem.
Establish DPN Coin as a leading player in DePIN industry.

Beyond 2025

Meet our team and contributors


The successful advancement of our DPN network project is due to an outstanding team of senior experts in the fields of finance and technology. These team members not only have extensive expertise and experience in their respective fields, but also play a vital role in driving the project to reach key milestones.

Murphy Delia Picture

François Géraud


DPN’CEO, François Géraud, has a deep background in blockchain technology and project management. He has served as a senior executive in a well-known blockchain company(Coinbase/ Ripple.Inc etc,) and has accumulated rich DePIN industrial experience and resources. François is good at strategic planning and team management, and has keen market insight and decision-making skills. He led the DPN team to overcome technical challenges and promote the rapid development of the project.

Hilary Richard Picture

Victor Patheron


Victor Patheron serves as the COO of DPN, responsible for the daily operations and management of the project. He has extensive experience in project management and marketing, and is good at resource integration and team collaboration. Victor pays close attention to detail and execution to ensure project tasks are completed efficiently. He leads the operations team to establish close cooperative relationships with various partners to jointly promote the expansion of the DPN ecosystem.

Elroy Sainsbury Picture

Samir Moreira Antonio


Graduated from MIT, is the team’s technical leader. He has many years of experience in blockchain technology development and has in-depth research in DePIN application, smart contracts and other fields. Samir has led the technical team to continuously innovate, solved a series of technical problems, and provided solid technical support for the DPN project. He focuses on writing technical documents and cultivating the team's technical capabilities, ensuring that the project's technical architecture and code quality are at the forefront of the industry.

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